Monday, August 9, 2010

Double Exposure – Reality TV Just for Me

Ever since Survivor took America by storm, reality TV remains consistently on our TV sets. Sure there were attempts before (notably Cops) but putting beautiful dumb people together vying for $1 mil was a recipe for success… which was repeated over and over and over. Big Brother, The Bachelor/ette, and Who Wants to Marry a Millionaire all have appeared with various levels of longevity. My wife and I watch So You Think You Can Dance religiously – and now I’ve found another.

Ruth probably won’t watch this one though. Double Exposure is about two photographer business partners that arrange and take photos of celebrities and fashion models around the world aka every photographer’s dream. Mind bogglingly expensive equipment, interesting locations (the house where the Big Lebowski was filmed) and tonnes of assistants all come together in this reality TV show to create beauty. They make great images and I’m carefully watching each studio shoot to see what they do differently to make me that much better.

But like all reality TV shows, there is a bit of set up and overacting (the producer and female photographer have heart-to-heart conversation alone in a hotel room, with the documenting cameras filming everything straight on). The male photographer drove the business into bankruptcy with his purchases of mind bogglingly expensive equipment, location rentals and tonnes of assistants they need to pay.

They also yell at each other a lot. Sure it detracts from the photoshoots, but it’s still entertaining.

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