Friday, December 5, 2008

Next Shoot - Dec 10th

At this Wednesday's meeting we are going to discuss a new format for the club followed by either an outing to photograph Christmas lights or table top shooting with a Christmas theme depending on the members' preference at the time and weather conditions.  If anyone knows of good locations nearby with Christmas lights, we are open to suggestions.  I know there are some nice spots in Brampton.  If time and interest permits, we'll conclude the evening at a local beverage establishment.  Hope to see you there!

Monday, November 10, 2008

November Shoot

This Wednesday, November 12th, we will be having a model shoot, so bring your gear as usual.
Just a reminder that, as in past years, only paid up members are allowed to photograph at club model shoots.
See you there,

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Upcoming October 8th Session

Portrait Photography with Mother and Baby

  1. Bring lighting if you have it

  2. We have some lighting, backgrounds

  3. Bring imaginative ideas for poses and shots

Monday, September 8, 2008

September Post

Outline of September's Meeting

We bounced around ideas for the upcoming photography sessions including:

  1. Action photography

  2. Studio portraits - Mother & Baby photo session in Oct

  3. Cemeteries - possibly one up on Steeles

  4. Bike races - Industrial area has amateur bike races

  5. Martial Arts - Kendo or Taekwondo for action shots

  6. Dance troops

  7. Models from an agency for Portrait Photography

Next meeting is at 7:30pm October 8th, 2008 at the Meadowvale Town Hall (Old Derry Rd).

Bring equipment for studio portraits.